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Modérateurs : Dr Caroline Bouche, Dr Jean- Marc Classe & Dr Jean-Sébastien Frénel

Intervenants :
Dr Jean-Sébastien Frénel,
Pr Emmanuel Barranger, Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Nice
Pr Roman Rouzier, Institut Curie, Paris
Dr Jean-Marc Classe, Institut de cancerologie de l'ouest, Nantes

Cas n°1 : Cancer du sein Triple négatif apparemment accessible à une chirurgie première…. Est-ce toujours une bonne idée ?
Dr Jean-Sébastien Frénel
Cas n°2 : Cancer du sein T1 RH+/HER2- : quelle indication de chirurgie axillaire en fonction du statut N clinique ?
Pr Emmanuel Barranger
Cas n°3 : Cancer du sein RH+/ HER2neg de 4 cm : comment pondérer l’indication de traitement systémique ? Place d’une signature génomique.
Pr Roman Rouzier
Cas n°4 : Patiente initialement N0, traitée par CNA : quelle chirurgie axillaire après la CNA ?
Dr Jean-Marc Classe


Shooting date : 2024-05-22
Last update : 2024-06-05


Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 08am to 09:30am (GMT+1)
New York : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 11am to 12:30pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Tuesday, November 19th 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Wednesday, November 20th 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Wednesday, November 20th 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Wednesday, November 20th 2024 from 02am to 03:30am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Wednesday, November 20th 2024 from 04am to 05:30am (GMT+1)

Cancer du sein métastatique RH+/HER2- :

individualisation du traitement en 1ère et 2ème ligne

Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 06am to 07am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 08am to 09am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 11am to 12pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 01pm to 02pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 04pm to 05pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Thursday, December 2nd 2021 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, December 3rd 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, December 3rd 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, December 3rd 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, December 3rd 2021 from 04am to 05am (GMT+1)

SLNB or TAD after NAC in cN1 / ycN0 patients

Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 06am to 07am (GMT+2)
San Francisco : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 09am to 10am (GMT+2)
New York : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+2)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 01pm to 02pm (GMT+2)
Reykjavik : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 04pm to 05pm (GMT+2)
London / Dublin : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+2)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+2)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+2)
Bangkok : Thursday, October 13th 2022 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+2)
Shanghai : Friday, October 14th 2022 from 12am to 01am (GMT+2)
Tokyo : Friday, October 14th 2022 from 01am to 02am (GMT+2)
Sydney : Friday, October 14th 2022 from 03am to 04am (GMT+2)
Wellington : Friday, October 14th 2022 from 05am to 06am (GMT+2)

Les inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase (TKI) et les anticorps conjugués (ADC) dans le cancer du sein mÃ...

Les nouveaux traitements, entre choix et complémentarité

Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 08am to 09:30am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 11am to 12:30pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Thursday, February 1st 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, February 2nd 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, February 2nd 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, February 2nd 2024 from 02am to 03:30am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, February 2nd 2024 from 04am to 05:30am (GMT+1)

Prise en charge du cancer du sein métastatique HER2-faible

Cycle d'enseignement - Le cancer du sein

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