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18:00 Introduction
18:05 Le nouveau diplôme inter-universitaire de chirurgie oncologique - Jean-Marc Classe
18:20 La fluorescence en chirurgie oncologique - Gwenaël Ferron 
18:35 La réhabilitation améliorée post-chirurgie - Eric Lambaudie
18:50 Les nouveaux essais qui changent nos pratiques - Pierre-Emmanuel Colombo
19:05 Revue des cas primés 
- JB Cazauran : "Total Mesenteric Peritonectomy for Peritoneal Metastases"
- C Dabiri : "Oncoplastie des tumeurs centrales du sein : Technique de Grisotti"
- C Martinez Gomez : "Laparoscopic anterior pelvic exenteration in 10 steps"
19:30 Conclusion



  •  Chirurgiens oncologiques et oncologues francophones
Shooting date : 2018-11-09
Last update : 2018-11-27
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  • Adil L. Bonsoir chers collègues, je suis intéressé par le diplôme inter-universitaire en chirurgie oncologique proposé par Dr Jean Marc Classe. Je vous prie de bien vouloir m’envoyer les coordonnées du Dr Classe ou de son secrétariat pour pouvoir s’inscrire à ce diplôme et grand merci. Dr Laraki Adil, Praticien Hospitalier en Chirurgie Viscérale CHU de MARRAKECH. Mon mail : larakiad@yahoo.fr

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    • juan jose T. Est-ce que vous discutirez l`étude LACC récemment publié au NEJ?

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      Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
      Honolulu : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 07am to 08:30am (GMT+2)
      San Francisco : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 10am to 11:30am (GMT+2)
      New York : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT+2)
      Buenos Aires : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 02pm to 03:30pm (GMT+2)
      Reykjavik : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+2)
      London / Dublin : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
      Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+2)
      Istanbul : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+2)
      Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, October 17th 2023 from 09pm to 10:30pm (GMT+2)
      Bangkok : Wednesday, October 18th 2023 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+2)
      Shanghai : Wednesday, October 18th 2023 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+2)
      Tokyo : Wednesday, October 18th 2023 from 02am to 03:30am (GMT+2)
      Sydney : Wednesday, October 18th 2023 from 04am to 05:30am (GMT+2)
      Wellington : Wednesday, October 18th 2023 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT+2)

      Généralités HPV et cancers associés

      HPV : dépistage, prévention et traitement des cancers HPV induits

      Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 06pm to 07:55pm (GMT+1)
      Honolulu : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 07am to 08:55am (GMT+1)
      San Francisco : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 09am to 10:55am (GMT+1)
      New York : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 12pm to 01:55pm (GMT+1)
      Buenos Aires : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 02pm to 03:55pm (GMT+1)
      London / Dublin : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 05pm to 06:55pm (GMT+1)
      Paris / Berlin : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 06pm to 07:55pm (GMT+1)
      Istanbul : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 07pm to 08:55pm (GMT+1)
      Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 09pm to 10:55pm (GMT+1)
      Bangkok : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 12am to 01:55am (GMT+1)
      Shanghai : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 01am to 02:55am (GMT+1)
      Tokyo : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 02am to 03:55am (GMT+1)
      Sydney : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 03am to 04:55am (GMT+1)
      Wellington : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 05am to 06:55am (GMT+1)

      Cancer du col et HPV à destination des patient(e)s

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