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L’UPM s’articule autour de deux pôles :
  • Un pôle médical, porté principalement par l’Association Transméditerranéenne : Femme et Cancer du sein (Astarté).
  • Un pôle Sciences Humaines : → ETHIQUE et PHILOSOPHIE : portée par le Groupe de Réflexion sur l’Ethique en Méditerranée (GREM). → GEOPOLITIQUE : portée principalement par L’Association France Proche Orient (FPO)
Objet et Territorialité Dans une conception laïque et apolitique l’UPM a pour but de promouvoir l’identité méditerranéenne et de susciter des actions et des échanges de nature à contribuer au rapprochement entre les rives de la Méditerranée. Son champ d’application recouvre les sciences humaines. Sa territorialité comprend la France et les pays méditerranéens Objectifs
  • Réaffirmer l’identité méditerranéenne en réhabilitant le passé commun et riche du pourtour méditerranéen.
  • Créer une véritable dynamique susceptible de peser dans le débat public autour de l’identité méditerranéenne commune.
  • Contribuer à l’analyse critique des grandes questions de la région Méditerranée / Moyen-Orient.
  • Transmission de connaissances, incitation à la recherche et propositions de formations.
  • Repenser le rôle de la Femme en Méditerranée.
  • Sensibiliser les décideurs et les acteurs politiques aux synergies possibles au sein des pays méditerranéens.  
contact : contact@u-p-m.org

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean Webinar 2021: Interactive Senology Moderators: Assaad Mohanna, Anas A. Chebib Steering Committee: Véronique Bouté (France), Séver...

Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 07pm to 08:50pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 07am to 08:50am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 09am to 10:50am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 12pm to 01:50pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 02pm to 03:50pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 05pm to 06:50pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 06pm to 07:50pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 07pm to 08:50pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, March 4th 2021 from 09pm to 10:50pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 12am to 01:50am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 01am to 02:50am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 02am to 03:50am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 03am to 04:50am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, March 5th 2021 from 05am to 06:50am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 8

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 07am to 08am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 09am to 10am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 02pm to 03pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, February 25th 2021 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, February 26th 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, February 26th 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, February 26th 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, February 26th 2021 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, February 26th 2021 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 7

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 07pm to 08:10pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 07am to 08:10am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 09am to 10:10am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 12pm to 01:10pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 02pm to 03:10pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 05pm to 06:10pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 06pm to 07:10pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 07pm to 08:10pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, February 18th 2021 from 09pm to 10:10pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, February 19th 2021 from 12am to 01:10am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, February 19th 2021 from 01am to 02:10am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, February 19th 2021 from 02am to 03:10am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, February 19th 2021 from 03am to 04:10am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, February 19th 2021 from 05am to 06:10am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 6

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 07pm to 08:15pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 07am to 08:15am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 09am to 10:15am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 12pm to 01:15pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 02pm to 03:15pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 05pm to 06:15pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 06pm to 07:15pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 07pm to 08:15pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, February 11th 2021 from 09pm to 10:15pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, February 12th 2021 from 12am to 01:15am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, February 12th 2021 from 01am to 02:15am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, February 12th 2021 from 02am to 03:15am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, February 12th 2021 from 03am to 04:15am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, February 12th 2021 from 05am to 06:15am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 5

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 07am to 08am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 09am to 10am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 02pm to 03pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, February 4th 2021 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, February 5th 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, February 5th 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, February 5th 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, February 5th 2021 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, February 5th 2021 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 4

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 07am to 08am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 09am to 10am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 02pm to 03pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, January 28th 2021 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, January 29th 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, January 29th 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, January 29th 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, January 29th 2021 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, January 29th 2021 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 3

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 07am to 08am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 09am to 10am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 02pm to 03pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, January 21st 2021 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, January 22nd 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, January 22nd 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, January 22nd 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, January 22nd 2021 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, January 22nd 2021 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 2

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 07am to 08am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 09am to 10am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 02pm to 03pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, January 14th 2021 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Friday, January 15th 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Friday, January 15th 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Friday, January 15th 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Friday, January 15th 2021 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Friday, January 15th 2021 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)

Interactive Senology - day 1

9th Breast Health Days in the Mediterranean

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