The objective of this webinar is to understand what is low pressure/low impact surgery, how it is being performed in different surgical disciplines, how it impacts the surgical techniques and anaesthesia and what are the published clinical outcomes.
Each presentation of below speakers will last 15 minutes and will be followed by a live debate and Q&A with the connected audience.
Eslam B. What about the impact of low pressure laproscopy on pulmonary compliance?
Dorian B. what is more harmful, higher pressure or steep Trendelenburg ?
Dorian B. what is more harmful, higher pressure or steep Trendelenburg ?
MARIA GRAZIA V. What is the minum pressure you can use in obese patients keepeing a sufficient abdominal room to operate adeguately?
Kent F. Can Low Pressure Lap and Low Impact Surgery be called morhine free surgery, or is it the goal the technique aim for?