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Laparoscopic colorectal resection at low pressure. Cardiovascular benefits.
Pr Timothy Rockall
Low Impact Colorectal Laparoscopy using Airseal and 3mm instruments. Impact on pain and the use of opioids.
Pr Quentin Denost
Performing TatME procedure using stable pneumoperitoneum with AirSeal® iFS.
Dr Roel Hompes
Low Pressure pneumoperitoneum to improve patient outcome.
Pr Michiel C. Warlé
19:55 Take home message


Date du tournage : 11/12/2019
Dernière mise à jour : 23/06/2021
Timothy Rockall
Guildford, Royaume Uni
Roel Hompes
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
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  • simon A. What are the obstacles to reducing the use of opiates? patient comfort/expectation? changing clinical practise?

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    • simon A. Fantastic presentations, thank you

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