18:30 |
18:35 |
Laparoscopic colorectal resection at low pressure. Cardiovascular benefits.
Pr Timothy Rockall |
18:55 |
Low Impact Colorectal Laparoscopy using Airseal and 3mm instruments. Impact on pain and the use of opioids.
Pr Quentin Denost
19:15 |
Performing TatME procedure using stable pneumoperitoneum with AirSeal® iFS.
Dr Roel Hompes
19:35 |
Low Pressure pneumoperitoneum to improve patient outcome.
Pr Michiel C. Warlé
19:55 | Take home message |
simon A. What are the obstacles to reducing the use of opiates? patient comfort/expectation? changing clinical practise?
simon A. Fantastic presentations, thank you