Moderators: Olivier Glehen & Marcello Deraco
18:00 |
Introduction O. Glehen, Hospices Civils de Lyon / M. Deraco, IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori |
18:10 |
Technical common questions on HIPEC K. Van der Speeten, Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg |
18:25 |
Use of HIPEC in peritoneal mesothelioma V. Kepenekian, Hospices Civils de Lyon |
18:40 |
Use of HIPEC in pseudomyxoma peritonei S. Kusamura, IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori |
18:55 |
Use of HIPEC in peritoneal metastatic colorectal cancer M. Hübner, CHUV Lausanne |
19:10 |
Use of HIPEC in peritoneal metastatic ovarian cancer A. Bhatt, Zydus Hospital |
19:25 |
Use of HIPEC in peritoneal metastatic gastric cancer C. Eveno, CHU Claude Huriez |
19:40 |
Conclusion and take home message |
Vieira S. Congratulations
Chao-Wei L. Looking forward to the meeting.
Mohammed Naif A. Congratulations
Tahar F. Hi everyone Dr Fillali From Algeria