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  • Camillo I. Nice, compliments.
    I know minilaparoscopy from many years and I never understood why it has so many problems to became the standard way in patients with normal BMI.

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    Nans S.

    Video : How can Low impact laparoscopy and opioid free anesthesia improve patient recovery after surgery?


    Video : How can Low impact laparoscopy and opioid free anesthesia improve patient recovery after surgery?

    Comments : Video : How can Low impact laparoscopy and opioid free anesthesia improve patient recovery after surgery?

    Voir les commentaires précédents (1)
    • simon A. Looking forward to an excellent presentation from the Lawmed team in the UK.

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      • Federica G. Do you systematically perform cholangiography when planning LIL cholecystectomy?

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        • Frank G. Did you use 2 different cameras for the 3 mm and 12 mm ports?

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          • Steve T. Thank you to the panel, very informative.

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            • David M. Very informative presentations. Thank you

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